Your behaviour counts! Thank you for respecting us.

It is obvious that we are totally in love with our region, right? We respect everything that has been laid into our hands – nature, cultural legacy, all the stories of this amazing town. Dubrovnik. Well, then it is no surprise than that we strongly stand for sustainable tourism. 

One can say that one tourist’s actions count for nothing. Wrong! Every tourist counts when talking about preserving the nature, keeping the development, nourishing the energy and enthusiasm of the local community. Sustainable tourism is a must if we want to enjoy the Earth’s beauties in the future. And yes, every step can make the difference, even the smallest one.

Guess what, we all can do small steps, one day at the time. One habit at the time. One decision that influences your travel habits on a minor scale. Why not adopt them if you can contribute to the greater good?

5 simple rules to preserve the beauties

The key is to travel more responsibly. To contribute to the local economy, to contribute to less pressure on nature, to focus on locally authentic and cherished things. What we are talking about, is adopting some simple stands that present the basic of sustainable tourism:

  1. Think about the consequences of your travel. Respect the local customs and traditions. 
  2. Minimize waste and pollution.
  3. Conserve natural environment.
  4. Prioritise animal welfare.
  5. Give back to people, to community. Even if it is just a smile 😊

What we do

We at DeepGreenTravel follow the simple directions of sustainable tourism developing. We are establishing balance between environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects of tourism development to guarantee its long-term sustainability. 

We also try to maintain a high level of tourist satisfaction and ensure a meaningful experience to our guests, raising their awareness about sustainability issues and promoting sustainable tourism practices amongst them.

Let’s do this together!

So, are you up for it? Should we all do our parts, our small steps and that with express our love for traveling, exploring, enjoying the diversity of this fine World of ours.

Thank you all, we pay respect to all of you that want to contribute to keep Dubrovnik just the same – or even better – for all the generations that follow.

All rights reserved! © 2020 Deep Green Travel Dubrovnik 

Deep green travel j.d.o.o., Getaldićeva 5, 20000 Dubrovnik, OIB 27932981618, MB 05091837, Mail: .Osobe ovlaštene za zastupanje - Alen Avdić, direktor, OIB 11723092169, Bokeljska 29, 20000 Dubrovnik. Phone: +385 99 340 71 00, Mail: . Nadzor je Državni inšpektorat.