Dubrovnik is a magnificent city, attracting travellers from all over the world. It has been a home of sailors, merchants, artisans, and artists right from its beginning. And each of that crafts flows through our veins and stirs our imagination. We are all artists, we are all sailors, we are all merchants. But most of all, we all enjoy sharing our love, our admiration to our identity with you.


We are DEEP into traveling.

We are GREEN in our hearts and minds.

We are TRAVELING through time and back just to get you your best experience ever.


Thank you for choosing us!

Company details:

Deep green travel j.d.o.o.

Getaldićeva 5, 20000 Dubrovnik

OIB 27932981618

MB 05091837

Mail: alen.dtg@gmail.com

Osobe ovlaštene za zastupanje

Alen Avdić, direktor

OIB 11723092169

Bokeljska 29, 20000 Dubrovnik

Phone: +385 99 340 71 00

Mail: alen.eventus@gmail.com

Nadzor je Državni inšpektorat.


Sukladno članku 6. stavak 3. zakona o pružanju usluga u turizmu ("Narodne novine" br. 130/17) pisne prigovore na naše usluge možete podnijeti u na mjestu pruženja usluga. O primitku Vašeg prigovora bez odgađanja ćemo Vas izvijestiti.

Omogućavamo podnošenje prigovora i na slijedeći način:

  • pošte
  • mail

U zakonskom roku od 15 dana na isti ćemo odgovoriti.

All rights reserved! © 2020 Deep Green Travel Dubrovnik 

Deep green travel j.d.o.o., Getaldićeva 5, 20000 Dubrovnik, OIB 27932981618, MB 05091837, Mail: alen.dtg@gmail.com .Osobe ovlaštene za zastupanje - Alen Avdić, direktor, OIB 11723092169, Bokeljska 29, 20000 Dubrovnik. Phone: +385 99 340 71 00, Mail: alen.eventus@gmail.com . Nadzor je Državni inšpektorat.